Luana Luconi Winner Brush Sets introductory set set of 6
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Product Description
These sets provide students and beginning artists with quality brushes that can be used with confidence. Developed with the aid of portrait artist and instructor Luana Luconi Winner the sets offer versatility and longevity while remaining affordable. Introductory Set contains six long handled synthetic brushes two Bristlon Filberts (sizes 4 and 8) one Bristlon Round (size 2) two Ruby Satin Filberts (sizes 4 and 8) and one Ruby Satin Flat (size 4) .Intermediate Set contains a combination of seven long handled natural and synthetic brushes two Grand Prix Chung King Bristle Filberts (sizes 4 and 8) one extra long Grand Prix Chung King Bristle Filbert (size 4) one Ruby Satin Flat (size 6) one Ruby Satin Filbert (size 4) one Ruby Satin Round (size 2) and one Renaissance Red Sable Liner (size 4) .
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